Painting by Matt McLeod
*Not your real home, where you live.
Our home, where you can relax…and leave the print and marketing to us.
Work can be fun!
You just need to know the right people.
Luckily, you’ve found the right people.
Since 1996, solving print and marketing problems has been our passion.
We’re good at it. Damn good!
Much like the beloved 80’s hair style, the mullet, we’re business up front and party in the back. Sound interesting?
Welcome to our family!
Hey, we just met you, and this is crazy but here's our number. Call us, maybe.
We’re your favorite aunt and your fun cousin. Your sassy best friend and snarky sibling.
We’ll be your secret-keeper and your sounding board. If you need to vent, we’re here to listen…and to “bless their hearts” with you.
(What can we say, we’re southern!)
Bossy Britches
She will certainly live up to her title, and you’ll be thankful for it. Gloria has walked the walk and talks the talk. She’s also quick with a joke (or to light up your smoke) and there’s NO place she’d rather be! But if you’ve got a problem, YO… she’ll solve it, and if you’re stressed, she’ll be the one to pull the corncob out ‘ya bootay.
Winning the award for “Most Likely to Stick Her Foot in Her Mouth and Keep Smiling”, Gloria is never afraid to cut through the BS and get straight to the point. When it comes to print marketing, her tenacity equals your peace of mind.
The Keeper of the Things
Brandi takes the motto to “be prepared” literally, and it’s something YOU. WILL. LOVE. Part magician, part ringmaster and part professional juggler, Brandi keeps the plates spinning and makes it look easy.
She’ll keep your project on track, and with her ability to make sense of a myriad of scenarios, she’ll always deliver a top-notch production experience.
FUN FACT ABOUT BRANDI: All her socks come out of the dryer in pairs AND all her plastic containers have lids (gasp!). Can you imagine what she can do for your project?!
The Wizard of Sums
Lynn sweats the small stuff. ALL the small stuff. While she controls the purse strings, she is far too nice to ever hold it over our heads. Around here, we celebrate the weekly holiday called “Lynn Day” every Thursday… the day she works from our office because we use anything as an excuse to celebrate.
LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Lynn is so skilled at balancing books, she sometimes does it on a tightrope.
Click here. Operators are standing by!
We’re not the usual blah, blah, blah...
We ask the hard questions. Not because we’re mean, because we want your project to be exactly what you want and exactly what you need. We do the legwork. We’ll scope the necessary vendors and make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. We’ll give it to you straight. No terminology you don’t understand, no pressure to make quick decisions. You’re in charge, we’ll just make it easy.
These are some of the basic services we provide. Don’t see what you need? Ask. We probably do that, too.
Kickin’ a$$ and takin’ names! (Project Management) – Going from the “what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks do we need?” phase, through the “this sh!t costs what?” phase, to the “victory is ours” phase. Half science, half art and all a pain-in-the-you-know-what you can pass off to Lawson & Co.
Make a Statement (Event Branding) – The Great Purple One could be identified by a symbol and you can too. And should. Event branding establishes presence, either for your own event or when you’re being splashy at someone else’s. Max out your ‘tude and your ROI by branding your event.
We Speak Drucken! (Print Management) – Things no one likes: empty wine glasses, spotty wifi and…trying to speak printing lingo. If you’ve stammered nonsensical words when asked about paperweight or become flummoxed as to if you want PMS or 4-color printing, we’ve got good news. We’re fluent in Drucken, so you don’t have to be. We also have great wifi and plenty of wine, just in case. (BTW: Drucken is the German word for print.)
Nice printing, now what do we do with it? (Fulfillment and Distribution) – Mailed to a list? Segmented in bundles and delivered? Or just need it to arrive to you ready to go…we’ve got you, boo.
Going Postal (Direct Mail) - The stuff that keeps the USPS in business…that isn’t Amazon. Direct mail still has a spot in your overall strategy and we’ll help you do it right.
More than just a “Dear John” letter (Variable Data) – Can we get personal a moment? Variable data is a big fancy printing word for customizing mass printed pieces. For the times when you DO want your mail to go to every “Tom, Dick and Harry”, we can make that happen.
You, updated. (Logo Refresh) – Like having your roots touched up, a logo refresh helps you put your best foot forward in your marketplace. If you’ve already got something you like (or have invested in) and it just needs some new spice, a logo refresh will have you come correct without the hassle of a complete re-design. But…if you need a complete overhaul, we can help you there too.
Flip the script (Concept/Graphic Design) – It may sound backwards, but we like to start at the end. Why? Laws of printing are as real as laws of physics. Save yourself the headache, bring us in at the beginning, we’ll start at the end and make sure your dreams come true in the most cost effective and realistic way possible.
The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
"It has been almost a year since I began working with Lawson and Company, and Gloria and her crew continue to impress. The creativity that Lawson and Company produces is spot-on with my expectations and the responsiveness is extraordinary. I consider Lawson and Company a part of my team and look forward to working with them for years to come!"
"Of all the bull$#!† I have to manage, these heifers roundup themselves!"
"I have worked with Gloria Lawson and her staff for several years and have come to rely upon them as a turnkey solution for many of our printing and graphic design needs. They are very reliable and I count on them to design within our standards, manage the production process and find us the best printing prices. They’ve done everything from annual reports to lobby displays and every project has been handled professionally and in a timely fashion."
"Not your basic lorem ipsum dolor bitc#es with your basic three-fold pamphlet! The Lawson team always turns our half-baked ideas into reality with very little direction from us. We have been using Lawson for years and we continually receive a fresh product. We are especially impressed with the graphic designers Lawson has on hand to punch-up what can be (brutally honest, here) a sleep-inducing annual report!"
"I have worked with Gloria and her team for seven years. They are more than a company for your printing needs. They bring years of marketing and creative expertise to the table. They are dependable, reliable, and generous with their time and every project is the highest quality. They wrap the entire package with a bow of exceptional customer service. I refer everyone I know to them and wouldn't trust anyone else with my marketing and printing needs."
We love good friends, good wine and good design. Not necessarily in that order. Click here to contact us.
Painting by David "Bud" Bell
Wanna communicate with a human? Drop us your info and a message below… we’ll get back with ya as soon as we’ve calmed all the screaming babies.
While the humans handle the boring stuff, these gals run the show!
Chief Paws-ecutive Officer
Penny IS a Diva and she’s opinionated (just like her Momma). When she’s not spitting the peas from her food, she’s making the world safe for naps.
Chief Barketing Officer
Lulu’s main job is to keep the daily schedule on track. While she is mostly chasing the wildlife out of the backyard, she alerts the team when a discussion has just gone on long enough by subtly demanding attention.
Your parents never told you work could be fun, contact us. Click here.
May cause spontaneous outbreaks of “fancy dance moves”!
Brandi is always the 80's queen!
Gloria's Current Obsession
Movie Music!
Click here to tell us what you want, what you really really want.